Committee Structure

Representation from the dairy co-operatives, Teagasc, milking machine manufactures and the milking machine technicians registered with Milk Quality Ireland constitute the representation on the committee.

Members of The Committee:

Chairman – Mr. Vivian Buttimer, ICOS.
Secretary – Mr. Eamonn Farrell, ICOS.

Committee Members
Ms. Fionnuala Malone - Tirlán Co-op.
Mr. Hugh Holland - Barryroe Co-op.
Mr. Laurence Shalloo - Teagasc.
Mr. Seamus Goggin - Technician Representative.
Mr. John Daly - Dairymaster.
Mr. Eamon Duignan - Lakeland Dairies.
Mr. John Upton - Teagasc.
Mr. William Ryan - Dairygold Co-op.
Mr. Ciaran Murphy - DeLaval.
Mr. Sean Reid - Technician Representative.
Mr. Francis Quigley - Teagasc.
Mr. James O'Connell - Kerry Agribusiness.